Cremonesi Massimiliano

Associate Professor


+39 02 2399 6230
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Politecnico di Milano

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Numerical Simulation of 3D Concrete Printing

3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) is a rapidly evolving technology that allows for the efficient and accurate construction of complex concrete objects. In 3DCP a cementitious mortar is extruded through a digitally controlled nozzle and the targeted shape is progressively generated out of layers of material.

Nonetheless, this technology is not ready yet for large-scale adoption, because of the technical issues still to be addressed and the many uncertainties linked to the extrusion process and its outcomes. The progress of numerical models is expected in time to cover this gap and to provide the designer with better knowledge and control of 3DCP.

3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) has been simulated using the techologies developed for the efficient simulation of free-surface fluid flows exploiting the peculiar features of Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM).

Simulation 3D Concrete Printing.

To validate the proposed model, numerical results have been compared with experimetal data.

Figure: Comparison of the cross-sectional shapes obtained from the present model and the experimental data (EXP).

Example of instability during the printing